Written Reviews
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Since we started with Yamoa™ in 1999 we have had many, many letters from customers - here's just a select few...
Communication Workers Union Health & Safety Rep Thrilled with Yamoa™ for Postal Workers
From Legionnaire's Disease to Zero medication in 73yr old woman - no more nebulizer
81yr old man now walks miles without stopping for breath. Brother says, "like witnessing a miracle"
TV Host off All Inhalers - "It is truly miraculous" claims Anne Sweeney
Exercise-Induced Asthmatic Girl Runs Record Mile - and Forgets her Inhaler
Eleven-Year-Old Boy With Exercise-Induced Asthma Relieved of Symptoms Within 2 Days
Pharmacist Says Taking Yamoa "One of the Best Decisions of My Life"
Dear Friend Feels "Healthier and Happier than She has Felt in Many, Many Years"
Life Without Dependence on Claritin-D, Advair Described as "Miraculous and Exciting"
Asthmatic Runs Distance of 50-70 Meters Without Coughing or Using Inhalers
16 Year Old Better Chance with A Levels after Taking Yamoa™ for Hay Fever
Man with Persistent Bronchial Condition "Astonished" by Improvement after One Month
Woman Thinks it's a "Like a Miracle" after Barely Able to Walk to Mailbox
Communication Workers Union Health & Safety Rep Thrilled with Yamoa for Postal Workers
With regards to your Yamoa Powder for asthmatics, I am pleased to be able to report that a number of my members have come to me praising the effectiveness of your product, this is a welcome cure for asthma....myself and my other safety reps have been...trying to achieve better working conditions for people who suffer from respiratory conditions....a number of people are able to lead a more comfortable lifestyle, thanks to your tremendous effort and help in supplying your product to them......you have also cured members of their families.....one of my female colleagues who had spent a long time trying to achieve a more comfortable condition for her son. After a course of your powder the child never had to use inhalers anymore.
Tom Biggs Area Health and Safety Rep. C.W.U.
From Legionnaire's Disease to Zero medication in 73yr old woman - no more nebulizer
I used this Yamoa Powder many years ago. I had Legionnaire’s Disease (from an air conditioner) I doctored for 6 months and they finally said it had turned into asthma. They had me on inhalers and using a nebulizer daily. Results: I could breathe better after treatment but was not getting any better. I sat up for six months in bed to sleep otherwise I couldn’t breathe. They (the Doctors) were not curing me of anything, just taking my money to allow me to breathe. I tried one bottle of Yamoa, mixing it with peanut butter. In no time I was off all the medications. It took only about a month. My lungs have been clear for years! I am ordering now because I want to keep some on hand and I am having a problem with phlegm (I think from sinus drainage) and its worth a try to see if works on that. By the way I’m 73 and on no medications.
Rose Hoover
81yr old man now walks miles without stopping for breath. Brother says, "like witnessing a miracle"
Dear Sir, my oldest brother is 81yrs. old and had asthma for 26yrs. He had four inhalers which he used daily. He used one in the morning after just getting out of bed and another after breakfast, then another at noon time and another at bedtime. He also had another which his specialist told him was only to be used as a last resort. He also had an oxygen bottle, stand and mask at home which he occasionally used. At 75yrs. of age he took one treatment of Yamoa Powder during which time he stopped using two of his regular inhalers. Then feeling some what better he tried another treatment of capsules and at the same time, stopped using the other two regular inhalers. He stopped using the oxygen mask also but carried with him his fifth inhaler which was supposed to be for emergencies only for the next two years. He then put it in the garbage he realized that he didn't need it anymore.
I love my brother and it was like witnessing a miracle, a man that could not walk more than 75 to 100yds without having to stop for 5 to 10 minutes to catch his breath, now walked with me on some days for miles without having to stop. At first his only complaint was that his legs would be sore the next day. We were both so astonished how the Yamoa Powder had in such a short time, completely wiped-out his Asthma health problem. This health problem had effected and limited his whole life style activities for the past two and a half decades. I have since recommended this product to several friends that had problems with their lungs and were using inhalers and they have all after taken Yamoa Powder, gotten rid of their lung problems and inhalers.
I could never promote something that I did not believe in, because that would be against my principles but I have been so impressed with Yamoa Powder that I truly believe that it needs to be promoted to anyone and everyone who has problems with their lungs.
TV Host off All Inhalers - "It is truly miraculous," claims Anne Sweeney
Thank you for your wonderful product! I continue to recommend Yamoa Powder to everyone who has breathing problems. It is truly miraculous. Now I'm ordering Asphalia capsules to see how that will help my husband sleep. Thanks for all you do for natural, long-term health. The Yamoa powder has gotten me off all inhalers, including the Ventolin Rotacaps. I've been using it for 3? allergy seasons now, and have not needed any other breathing help in all that time. It is miraculous. I've referred several friends and associates, and they've all had the same reaction as me. Thank you. God bless you and keep you safe. You are doing something that really matters.
Anne Sweeney
Exercise-Induced Asthmatic Girl Runs Record Mile - and Forgets her Inhaler.
I tried the yamoa capsules for myself and my daughter with much skepticism. I have tried other "natural" remedies in the past with poor results. Upon opening the first bottle my daughter and I commented it must not work as it did not smell and it did not leave an aftertaste. Within a week we began noticing results. Living in the Midwest, both my daughter and I have allergies (compounded by previously broken noses and deviated septums). In addition, my daughter has exercise induced asthma. Within a month, my daughter ran the mile in school for p.e. She came home beaming. It seems she had forgotten her inhaler and still had a record time. Most importantly, she commented "Mom, my lungs never felt more open. This stuff is great." I just wish we had learned about yamoa earlier. The year before she had tested for hours to earn her black belt in martial arts. During the training and the testing, we had relied on two different asthma medicines in addition to an inhaler, massage, and osteopathic manipulation. She now has a friend with asthma getting ready to test for her black belt (the average exam lasting 5+ hours). We have gladly passed on the yamoa to her friend with a full endorsement. Thank you Yamoa
Kelli Stiles, USA
Eleven-Year-Old Boy With Exercise-Induced Asthma Relieved of Symptoms Within 2 Days
I started my 11-year-old son on the program March 15, two weeks ago, with the powder stirred into honey. He has had virally- and exercise-induced asthma, probably from birth, but for most of his days since age 1-1/2. He did get somewhat better in recent years, when he has not been sick for the entire October to June period as previously, and the extreme congestion and coughing that made him suffer so severely also have lessened somewhat.
When I began him on the powder, he had been congested and coughing for six weeks after contracting a cold, and normally would have been ill through June. Within two days of taking the powder mixed in honey, most of his symptoms were gone. On a couple of occasions since, I have noticed a bit of congestion and coughing, so he may not be completely over it yet, but he is at least 90% better. Since he is taking it at half dose, he will not complete it until May 15.
We may be unable to tell whether his condition appears to be completely overcome until we get through the October to June period next year, because this is the time during which he usually is ill. He is starting baseball, and if he is running a lot in cold air, we will see whether he avoids an asthma attack, which he has suffered on several occasions in those circumstances. He has already indicated that he feels better during exercise, because his lung passages do not tighten up as they did before.
Regardless whether the condition disappears, it is a profound blessing to know that if he becomes ill, the symptoms can be alleviated immediately. It is such a relief to know that his suffering, which he has endured so stoically, is probably pretty much ended. I am very grateful to you and to Dr. Williams of Alternatives for making this possible. Most of these 11 years, I have resisted the medical advice to take steroids etc., having seen bad side effects and no noticeable improvement during the short time he was on them. I was continually made to feel guilty about this stance, and I will be greatly relieved to be able to avoid these medications in the future. Thank you again for this tremendous benefit.
Pharmacist Says Taking Yamoa "One of the Best Decisions of My Life"
I have suffered with asthma for more than 30 years. I also had a chemical exposure at work that did even more damage to my lungs. The Yamoa Powder has decreased my symptoms dramatically, and allowed me to stop most of the medication I have been on for years. I'm hoping that by using a second pot I will see a full recovery. I am also a pharmacist - so I was very skeptical about a magical powder that could cure asthma, when I read it in Alternatives. I really thought that it was probably a scam, but since I was using 2 oral drugs and 3 inhalers when my breathing was really bad - and I knew that there was no hope for my getting any better - only worse with time if I stuck to my current path - I figured I had nothing to lose. Giving Yamoa Powder a try is by far one of the best decisions of my life! Thank you for sharing Akua's secret powder with me.
Sincerely Marian BobyakDear Friend Feels "Healthier and Happier than She has Felt in Many, Many Years"
I'm happy to report that Lisa is having wonderful results already and she has only been on the powder for 10 days. We are such good friends but she was not able to come into my house because I have dogs and cats. Just yesterday, she was able to come in and even pet my cat without going into a full blown attack. We were also able to go for a walk through our favorite wooded area without her using her inhaler or even getting winded. She says she feel healthier and happier than she has felt in many, many years. Please pass our thanks along to the makers of this wonderful product. We feel so privileged to have it in our possession. It's like we've discovered a gold mine. We plan on telling as many people as possible about your product. THANK YOU FROM THE BOTTOM OF OUR HEARTS!!!!!
Life Without Dependence on Claritin-D, Advair Described as "Miraculous and Exciting"
I have used Yamoa Powder for almost three months now. I ordered my fourth month just recently. Since beginning my usage, I have not had to use Advair once or use any inhalers. I still have some sneezing and sometimes, a very little tinge of tightness in my chest, but all in all, this has been miraculous and exciting, because those other drugs prescribed by the Doctor caused me a variety of side effects and concerns. I still take allergy shots once a week and when I do, I use Claritin-D only for that day. So, from the bottom of my heart, thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Please feel free to use my testimony in any web or any other form of advertising that you use.
Asthmatic Runs Distance of 50-70 Meters Without Coughing or Using Inhalers
For the first time I can really say my chest is as cleared as anything.
Since I started using the drug [Yamoa], I have noticed a lot of changes, for instance this is the first time I could ran a distance of 50-70 meters without actually coughing badly which any asthmatic patient would acknowledge. As of now I don't use any inhalers again but I feel okay. If surely this signals the end of my asthma then you would be my hero.
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16 Year Old Better Chance with A Levels after Taking Yamoa™ for Hay Fever
My 16 year old daughter has just about chewed her way through her Yamoa Powder and honey (lots of moaning) and I must admit she has been a lot better since taking it, not as much sneezing and not as bunged up. She still takes anti histamine but the symptoms are nowhere near as bad. She is currently taking her A levels and I feel confident that she has the best chance of fulfilling her potential now she feels better within herself. I am really glad she tried it and I will be recommending it to others.
Thank you. Yours faithfully, S B Johns
Man with Persistent Bronchial Condition "Astonished" by Improvement after One Month
I took yamoa powder for a month, about three months ago. This was primarily for a bronchial condition that has persisted for 3 -4 years, without any relief from antibiotics, inhalers, etc. I am certain the yamoa powder has taken care of the bronchitis but I still have a slight case of asthma so I reordered the yamoa today to see if it might also take care of the asthma. I was really astonished that the bronchial problem is better. After I finished the first order (30 days), it continued to work afterwards. I haven't had the coughing problem for two months now. I am looking forward to using another month's supply for the asthma.
R Wagner, WA, USA
Woman Thinks it's a "Like a Miracle" after Barely Able to Walk to Mailbox
I had such bad bronchitis I could barely walk to my mailbox, wheezing and puffing. I really couldn't imagine what I was going to do for myself. Then I heard about Yamoa Powder and sent for it as a last resort. I have only taken one day's course so far, and there is a dramattic difference in my breathing. It is like a miracle! I would like to be able to reach out to other sufferers in this country and tell them my story (and there are millions of them) -- I know they would buy your wonderful product.
Letitia Ellsworth