
Yamoa™ Powder is an herb and should not be used as an alternative to your conventional medication. The statements regarding the products on this website have not been evaluated by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration. These products are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.

The material provided on this site is for educational purposes only and any recommendations are not intended to replace the advice of your physician. You are encouraged to seek advice from a competent medical professional regarding the applicability of any recommendations with regard to your symptoms or condition.

It is important that you do not reduce, change, or discontinue any medication or treatment without consulting your physician first.

We do not, and will not, claim that Yamoa™ Powder is a 'cure' for all. Where this word is mentioned on these pages, it is as a direct quote from a former user or critic of Yamoa™ Powder, and reflects only their own true experience.

Everybody is different and everybody will react differently and have their own unique experience with Yamoa™ Powder.

We cannot offer any guarantees that Yamoa™ Powder will work for you, we can only express our own and our customers' experiences of it. We sincerely hope that Yamoa™ is the natural approach to supporting your respiratory system that you have been looking for.